Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising Kicks Off the Series on May 10th

Global publisher 505 Games in collaboration with Rabbit & Bear Studios, headed by Yoshitaka Murayama, a creator of Suikoden, and NatsumeAtari today unveil the release date for Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising, the fast-paced 2.5D action RPG with town-upgrading elements serving as a companion prequel game to the upcoming Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes. Rising’s pre-war tales begin May 10th, 2022 on PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch and PC via Steam, Epic and GOG. Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising will also be available day one via Xbox and PC Game Pass.

After a massive earthquake revealed Runebarrows deep below a town on the remote frontier of the Allraan known as New Nevaeh, fortune-seeking adventurers and merchants from across the world arrive. Among those hoping to find treasure, three star-crossed heroes come together. CJ, the Venerable Scavenger, and Garoo, the Beastman Mercenary, hope to mine the Rune Lens, a source of magic hidden underground. Isha, the Young Deputy Mayor, wants to rebuild her town.

Delve into the ruins and master Rising’s satisfying combat. Dash in quick and strike with CJ’s climbing axes, sling sorcery from afar as Isha, and punish foes with Garoo’s gigantic sword. Topple imaginative bosses by swapping between each character and unleashing devastating Link Attacks combining each hero’s specialty, all while platforming through gorgeous 2.5D environments.
Scavenge dungeons and earn materials to reconstruct New Nevaeh to its former glory and reap benefits applying to Hundred Heroes when it releases in 2023. Cross content includes special cosmetic items, valuable equipment, and trade goods. Make a personal mark on the world of Eiyuden Chronicle by naming certain weapons and delicacies in Rising that will carry over to Hundred Heroes next year.

Within the Runebarrows hides a deep-rooted conspiracy with shocking ramifications for the Eiyuden Chronicle universe. Prepare for Hundred Heroes’ intricate plot and globe-spanning adventure by playing through the inciting events in Rising.

If you are interested in learning more about Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising then please watch our 28 minutes of developer gameplay:

Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising launches on PlayStation 4 and PlayStation |5, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch and PC via Steam, GOG, and Epic Games Store for $14.99/€14.99/ £12.99. The title will also be available day one via Xbox and PC Game Pass. For more information, visit the official website at https://staging-h.eiyudenchronicle.com or head to our social channels on Discord, Instagram Twitter Facebook and YouTube.

『百英雄伝 Rising』発売日決定のお知らせ

505 GamesとRabbit & Bear Studiosは本日4 月12日(火)、アクションRPG『百英雄伝 Rising』のPlayStation 5、PlayStation4、Xbox Series X|S、 Xbox One、Steam、Epic Games Store、Nintendo Switch向け発売日が日本時間5月11日(水)に決定したことをお知らせいたします。

<『百英雄伝 Rising』について>
シナリオを里見直氏、開発をナツメアタリが手掛け、『百英雄伝』の企画・開発を手掛けるRabbit & Bear Studiosが監修した『百英雄伝 Rising』は、2023年発売予定の大作RPG『百英雄伝』の前日譚となる「町おこし要素」が楽しめるアクションRPGです。キャラクターデザインは『百英雄伝』と同じくRabbit & Bear Studiosの河野純子氏が手掛けています。

『百英雄伝 Rising』の3人のメインキャラクター、CJ、イーシャ、ガルーが追い求める「魔導レンズ」や「ロウ・レンズ」は2023年発売予定の『百英雄伝』の世界観の根幹を成すアイテムです。里見直氏によるシナリオには『百英雄伝』につながる要素が随所に散りばめられ、『百英雄伝』に登場するキャラクターたちも『百英雄伝 Rising』のストーリーに登場します。また本作でプレイヤーが命名した「特産品の名前」や、「主人公3名の武器の名前」が『百英雄伝』に引き継がれます。さらに『百英雄伝 Rising』をプレイすることで『百英雄伝』でもらえるちょっとした特典を企画中です!どうぞお楽しみに!

<『百英雄伝 Rising』ストーリー>

『百英雄伝 Rising』は“アクションゲーム”に不慣れなユーザーも、CJ、ガルー、そしてイーシャという3人のプレイキャラをサクサク切り替えて、爽快なアクションプレイが楽しめるシステムを採用しています。各キャラクターの特技を組み合わせたコンボ攻撃「リンクアタック」を繰り出すのも超カンタン!ぜひお楽しみください。